Annual Membership

There is a $55 Annual Membership Fee. Includes immediate household members.

Multiple Enrollment Specials

  • We offer a 5% sibling discount on group classes
  • Multi-class discount of 15% off your 2nd, 3rd, 4th class. Discount taken off the tuition of original full priced class.


  • Group Lessons: $158.80/month.
  • Semi-Private Lessons: $238.20/month, 2:1 student/teacher ratio.
  • Private Lessons: $476.40/month, 1:1 student/teacher ratio.
  • Family Pod Lessons: $476.40/month, up to 3 siblings in one class.
  • Adult Lesson: same as above based on ratio.
  • Swimming with Special Needs/Abilities (SSA) Lessons: $238.20/month, 1:1 student/teacher ratio.


Parent & Me Classes - $94.80/month:

Wee Pea (age 4 mo-12mo), One Pea (age 1), Two Pea (age 2).

Group Lessons - $158.80/month:

Three Pea (age 3), Four Pea (age 4), Five Pea (age 5), Six+ Pea (age 6+).


Group Lessons: $158.80/month

Family Practice Sessions

Swim $39.70 per session

Open Gym

Members – $15 (1 child), additional member siblings $7 each

Non-members – $20 (1 child), additional siblings $10 each

Adult Fitness

Studio Now Open! (included with your family membership)

Fitness Classes Coming Soon.

Birthday Parties

Choose from Dynamic Ninja Party or Sweet Pea Party $368 per party (up to 10 kids, $20 each additional child). Includes One Hour gym experience and 30 minute at your party table.


Full Day Camp (M-Th) $525 Week

Half Day Camp (M-Th, AM or PM) $325 Week

Parent Night Outs

Friday FUN Nights: Let us watch the kids while you take the night off! New theme each month. Pizza included. $49

Billing and Payments for Classes

  • Annual Membership Fee, non-refundable, due upon membership/enrollment.

  • We operate on a perpetual enrollment basis. Based on availability, you can enroll at any time throughout the year. Sustains your class space on a continuing basis throughout the year and gives you a monthly budget.

  • 30 day notice is required prior to the 19th of the month to cancel enrollment/drop class.

  • The monthly membership/tuition pay cycle is based on a yearly tuition rate and is broken into 12 equal payments, to include scheduled pool closures (see posted closure dates) and two inclement weather/emergency days which are built into the yearly tuition rate.

  • All membership/tuition at DolFUN is set up as automatic billing. Upon your registration for a class or joining as a member, you will be asked to provide bank account information for electronic check transfer or credit card information for automatic billing. You will not be billed until final enrollment is approved.

  • Your payment will be automatically charged around the 24th of each month for the following month of enrollment. Watch statements for the actual date each month.

  • Yearly Tuition Promotion: pay for 11 months and get the 12th month FREE (optional).

Class day, times, and Educators are subject to change at any time due to enrollment, moving levels or scheduling needs.

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